Friday, 6 April 2012

200th Anniversary of Karolinska Institute

Sweden Post and Karolinska Institute issue a series of stamps to commemorate 200th anniversary of Karolinska Institute. Karolinska Institute is one of the best medical university in Europe.

200th Anniversary of Karolinska Institute FDC issued by Sweden Post, with signature of stamps designer, Lennart Nilsson

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Albertus Pictor

Sweden Post issues a series of stamps themed 'Albertus Pictor' on 26th March 2009. Albertus Pictor is a well-known artist during late medieval time. He is famous for the wallpaintings in Sweden churches. This miniature sheet features his famous church wallpaintings including 'start of the lifewheel', 'top of the lifewheel' and 'end of the lifewheel' (left to right).

Albertus Pictor miniature sheet FDC issued by Sweden Post

Friday, 30 March 2012


Sweden and China Post issue a set of stamps on pheasants on 9th May 1997. Among the pheasants featured on stamps are Phasianus colchicus and Chrysolophus amherstiae.

Pheasants FDC issued by Sweden Post

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Shilin Kunming

Hong Kong Post issues a stamp sheetlet on Mainland Scenery on 3rd May 2007 to introduce the natural wonders and monuments in China. This stone forest is formed after weathering and erosion over a period of 270 million years.

Shilin Kunming stamp sheetlet FDC issued by Hong Kong Post

Monday, 26 March 2012

Titanic: 100th anniversary of the ship’s disaster

A news from Canada post...

TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2012                                                   FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION

Canada Post commemorates Canadian Titanic ties with stamps
Canadian recovery efforts saluted in marking 100th anniversary of the ship’s disaster

Ottawa (ON) – Canada Post unveiled today the images of the five stamps that will be issued on April 5 to mark the centennial of the sinking of RMS Titanic. The collection, created by Haligonian design team of Dennis Page and Oliver Hill, showcases the best-known ship in the world with depth and realism and adds some poignant Canadian attributes.

Canadians, and the citizens of Halifax, Nova Scotia, in particular, played a central role in the Titanic event through recovery efforts. “To this day, Canada, and especially Halifax, has an enduring and remarkably human connection to the Titanic story,” says the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Regional Minister for Nova Scotia. “The Canadian legacy of the Titanic still resonates strongly with everyone.”

Creating a detailed image of a ship that has been under water for a century presented a wonderful challenge for Halifax-based designer Dennis Page. “This was the biggest man-made moving object on earth that after setting off on her maiden voyage hit an iceberg and ended in disaster. That really stuck with me and how I was going to show that feeling.” Page basically put himself in the moment. “I imagined myself standing below her bow looking up which really gives that vantage point and perspective at how vast something like this could be.” 

Through this stamp collection Canada Post takes pride in respectfully marking an event in which so many lost their lives, and honouring the countless Canadians who helped in the recovery mission. “This is really our way of paying tribute to the Canadians involved,” says Mary Traversy, Canada Post’s Senior Vice-President of Mail. “With these stamps, we hope to preserve the legacy of the Canadians whose lives were deeply touched when Titanic sank off our coast.” 

The collection will be available on April 5 in all Canada Post outlets, online and via mail order. Pre-orders are also possible on

The Titanic stamp collection
The Titanic stamp collection is composed of five stamps, a stamp pane, a souvenir sheet, an uncut press sheet, prepaid postcards, framed prints, a collectible album and a stamp and coin collector envelope.

The four PERMANENT™ domestic-rate stamps come as two pairs of se-tenant stamps. Two show the Titanic’s impressive bow and the other two feature the stern. The stern stamps are available only on the pane of 16 stamps, which includes eight stern stamps and eight bow stamps. The bow stamps are also available in a booklet of 10 and on the pane of 16 stamps. The international rate stamp shows a full-colour side illustration of the Titanic, sailing on a calm ocean with a layered map showing relevant locations. It is available in a booklet of six stamps, a souvenir sheet and a limited edition uncut press sheet. There will be two Official First Day Covers. The first will feature a photo from Father Brown’s collection of the captain of the Titanic walking on the deck with the bow and the stern stamps. The second cover makes use of the international denomination stamp and features a photo of a paper boy in New York City announcing the disaster.
Additional information about Canadian stamps can be found in the news section of Canada Post’s website, and photos of these new stamps are also available. Stamps and other products will be available at participating post offices, or can be ordered online by following the links at, or by mail order from the National Philatelic Centre. From Canada and the USA, call toll-free 1-800-565-4362, and from other countries, call 902 863-6550.

For more information about the Titanic collection:
Media Relations, Canada Post
613 734-8888

For interviews or requests for Minister MacKay:
Joshua Zanin, Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of National Defence
613 996-3100

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Literators of Ancient China (2nd series)

China Post issues a series of stamps themed 'literators of ancient china' on 25th June 1994. This set of stamps depicts four great China literators: Tao Yuanming, Cao Zhi, Sima Qian (upper: left to right) and Qu Yuan (lower: right).

Literators of Ancient China postage stamps FDC issued by China Post

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Conservation of Birds Postage Stamps: Taiwan Blue Magpie

Taiwan Post issues a set of stamps themed 'conservation of birds: Taiwan blue Magpie' on 9th July 2008. The souvenir sheet on Taiwan blue Magpie features foraging, rearing the young, sub-adults and flying.

Conservation of Birds Postage Stamps: Taiwan Blue Magpie souvenir sheet FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Thursday, 22 March 2012

New issue of Swedish FDC on 21st March 2012

Sweden Post issues four FDC themed: 'fishing tackle'; 'the north by the sea: 'life at sea'; 'poultry stocks'; and 'the art of photography' on 21st March 2012. Sweden Post Museum has invited the stamp designers of all four FDC issues to meet the philatelic fans on official release day.

The north by the sea: life at sea FDC issued by Sweden Post

The art of photography FDC issued by Sweden Post

Fishing tackle FDC issued by Sweden Post

Poultry stocks FDC issued by Sweden Post

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Taipei 2008: 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition Commemorative Issue

Taiwan Post issues a series to commemorate  21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition on 7th March 2008. The souvenir sheet features four ancient bird paintings from the National Palace Musuem collection to introduce the ecological beauty of Taiwan. Among the ancient bird paintings featured on the stamps are: Plum Blossoms and Solitary Bird; Apricot Blossoms and Peacocks; Wild Duck and Bamboo and Shrike (left to right).

21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition Commemorative Issue souvenirs sheet FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Monday, 19 March 2012

Cartoon Figure Postage Stamps: Mickey Mouse

Taiwan Post issues two set of souvenir sheets themed 'mickey mouse' on 3rd August 2005.Mickey mouse 1928 features Steamboat Willie (left) and Fantasia (right). Mickey mouse 1990 features The Prince and The Pauper (left) and Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (right).

Mickey mouse 1928 souvenir sheet issued by Taiwan Post

Mickey mouse 1990 souvenir sheet issued by Taiwan Post

Saturday, 17 March 2012

The Story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, a Folk Legend

China Post issues a series of special stamps themed 'The Story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai' on 18th October 2003. The Story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is a love story in China for more than 1000 years.  Zhu Yingtai is disguised as a man. 'She'and Liang Shanbo is classmate for 3 years. After finishing their studies, Zhu Yingtai implies that she will be Liang Shanbo's wife. Liang Shanbo is delighted to know that Zhu Yingtai is a woman and bring her home to seek for marriage approval from his parents. However, his family is against his will. In the end,they decided to commit suicide for love and turn into butterflies.

 The Story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai postage stamp FDC issued by China Post

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Alpine Flowers Postage Stamps

Taiwan Post issues a series of Taiwan's alpine flowers postage stamps on 16th May 2011. This set of four stamps features Gentiana scabrida var. punctulata (left); Eupharasia transmorrisonensis (middle); Clematis Montana (right, upper) and Cypripedium formosanum (right, lower).

Alpine Flowers Postage Stamps FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Šumava-UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Czech Post issues a series of stamps featuring Czech biosphere reserve on 31 August 2011. This set of Šumava-UNESCO Biosphere Reserve miniature sheet depicts the flora and fauna at Šumava National Park along Austrian and Bavarian borders with Czech Republic.

Šumava-UNESCO Biosphere Reserve miniature sheet issued by Czech Post

Šumava-UNESCO Biosphere Reserve maximum card issued by Czech Post

Monday, 12 March 2012

Czech Republic stamps

We went to Prague for vacation on a long weekend. Prague is a beautiful city with many towers from medieval time, castle, old towns, cathedrals, churches and nice scenery. We managed to visit a few philately shops, their post office and post museum located within Prague city. We must admitted that Czech Republic has very nice stamps and we couldn't resist to buy them! Stay tune for more Czech Republic stamps!

Beautiful night scene of Prague Castle and Charles Bridge

Our newly added Czech Republic philately collection

Thursday, 8 March 2012


Sweden Post issues a series of postage stamps themed 'cats' on 18th March 1994. Among the cat breeds featured on the stamps are Siamese, Persian (upper: left, right); European and Abyssinian (lower: left, right).

Cats FDC issued by Sweden Post

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Children's Drawing Postage Stamps (Issue of 2006) FDC

Taiwan Post issues a series of postage stamps themed 'children's drawing' on 4th April 2006. This set of stamps featured many beautiful drawings from Taiwanese childrens.

Children's Drawing FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Children's Drawing FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Children's Drawing FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Children's Drawing FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Singapore-Egypt Joint Issue: Significant Rivers

Singapore and Egypt Post issue jointly a series of stamps themed significant rivers on 17th Oct 2011. This set of stamps depict two significant rivers in Singapore (Singapore Rivers) and Egypt (Nile).

Singapore-Egypt Joint Issue: Significant Rivers FDC

Monday, 5 March 2012

China 2011

New Zealand Post issues a set of stamps to commemorate China 2001, the 27th Asian International Stamp Exhibition which is being held in the city of Wuxi from 11-15th November 2011. The miniature sheet containing three round-shaped stamps featuring kiwi birds and a panda as background.

China 2011 FDC issued by New Zealand Post

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Olympic Gold I & II

Sweden Post issues a set of stamps - Olympic Gold I to commemorate Swedish Olympic winners on 27th August 1991. This set of stamps featured four Swedish woman Olympic gold medalists: Magda Julin who won the figure skating in 1920, Toini Gustafsson who won the cross-country skiing in 1968 (upper: left and right); Agneta Andersson & Anna Olsson who woncanoeing in 1984 and Ulrika Knape who won high diving in 1972 (lower: left, right).

Olympic Gold I FDC issued by Sweden Post

The Olympic Gold II postage stamps issued by Sweden Post on 30th Jan 1992 featuring Olympic gold medalist Gunde Svan, Thomas Wassberg (upper: left, right); Tomas Gustafson and Ingemar Stenmark (lower: left, right).

Olympic Gold II FDC issued by Sweden Post

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012

Stockholm Philatelic Society (SFU Stockholm) organized a stamp exhibition (Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012) at Huddinge, Sweden on 3rd-4th March 2012. Sweden Post, Aland Post and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Post has set up a booth to promote their own postage stamps, FDCs, year book etc. Each of them also issue a special stamps, post/maximum cards or aerogram with special cancellations for this event. In addition, there is a number of stamp collectors exhibiting their collections in this event and competing for medals while philatelic dealers selling philatelic items such as FDCs, postcards, mint/used stamps from various countries. I think this is a great effort by SFU Stockholm to promote stamp collecting activities and I enjoyed attending this event very much!

Frimung 2012 folder with special cancellations from Sweden Post, Aland Post and DPR Korea

Frimung 2012 folder with special cancellations from Sweden Post, Aland Post and DPR Korea

Postcard with stamp and cancellation by Sweden Post for Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012

Postcard with stamp and cancellation by Sweden Post for Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012

Maximum card with stamps and cancellation by Aland Post for Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012

Postcard with stamp and cancellation by DPR Korea Post for Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012

Postcard with stamp and cancellation by DPR Korea Post for Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012

Aerogram with stamp and cancellation by DPR Korea Post for Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012

Miniature sheet by DPR Korea Post for Frimung 2012 & HUDDEX 2012

Friday, 2 March 2012

Taiwan Fireflies Postage Stamps

Taiwan Post issues a series of stamps themed fireflies on 25th May 2006. This set of stamps depicts different species of fireflies including Pyrocoelia analis, Diaphanes citrinus, Diaphanes niveus (upper: left to right) and Diaphanes formosus (lower).

Taiwan Fireflies Postage Stamps FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Roses (UK)

Royal Mail issues a set of postage stamps on roses on 16th July 1991. This series of stamps features Rosa Silver Jubilee; Rosa Mme Alfred Carriere; Rosa moyesii; Rosa Harvest Fayre and Rosa Mutabilis (left to right).

Roses FDC issued by Royal Mail

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Semi Aquatic Animals

Malaysia Post issues a series of stamps themed 'Semi Aquatic Animals' on 9th Oct 2006 to commemorate Stamp Week 2006 . Malaysia is one of the twelve mega biodiversity country in the world its diverse flora and fauna world. This set of stamps contains three postage stamps featuring mudskipper (left), hermit crab (middle), asian box turle (right); and a miniature sheets depicting four-lined tree frog, common monitor, otter civet and triangle keelback (from left to right) found at their natural habitat. I especially like the way the stamp designer presenting the semi aquatic animals found naturally in Malaysia in the miniature sheet.

Semi Aquatic Animals Miniature sheet FDC issued by Malaysia Post

Semi Aquatic Animals Postage Stamps FDC issued by Malaysia Post

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Cute Animal Series Postage Stamps

Taiwan Post issues a series of cute animal postage stamps in the theme of giant panda on 20th Jan 2009. This set of stamps contains two postage stamps and a miniature sheet. Two giant pandas named "Tuan Tuan" and "Yuan Yuan" are featured on the stamps. "Tuan Tuan" and "Yuan Yuan" are gift from China to the Taipei Zoo.

Cute animal postage stamps - giant panda miniature sheet FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Cute animal postage stamps - giant panda postage stamps FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Taiwan Post has previously issued cute animal series postage stamps in the theme of 'Lesser Panda' and 'Koala bear' on 25th April 2007 and 15th Nov 2002, respectively. These cute animal series issued by Taiwan Post are nice, aren't they?

Cute animal postage stamps - Lesser Panda postage stamps FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Cute animal postage stamps - Koala Bear postage stamps FDC issued by Taiwan Post

Monday, 27 February 2012

Canadian Hybrids

Canada Post issues a set of hybrid flowers stamp on 3rd March 2010. This set of stamps depicts Decelles' Avalanche and Picasso.

Canadian Hybrids FDC issued by Canada Post

Sunday, 26 February 2012


Sweden Post issues a series of stamps themed 'aeroplanes' on 6th Oct 2010. Among aeroplanes feature on the stamps including: Otto Lilienthal 1885, Kungl. Sv., SAAB J29 B Tunnan (upper: left to right); Friedrichshafen FF 49, Trike, Douglas DC-3 (lower: left to right).

Aeroplanes FDC issued by Sweden Post

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Cars FDC and maximum cards

Sweden Post issues a series of cars stamps on 4th Oct 1997. Among the cars display on the stamps are: Volvo Duett 1958, Chevrolet Bel-Air 1955, Porsche 356A 1959 (upper panel: left to right); Citroen B11 1952, Saab 96 1963 and Jaguar E-type 1961 (lower panel: left to right).

In addition to the FDC, we also have a set of maximum cards collection of this car series.

Cars FDC issued by Sweden Post
Cars maximum cards collection

Cars maximum cards collection

Cars maximum cards collection

Cars maximum cards collection

Cars maximum cards collection

Cars maximum cards collection